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Dr. Mel Thacker headshot
Mel Thacker, MD, DipABLM

I Help Surgeons 

You scaled a mountain.

Now what?

What brings you joy?

What do SUCCESS and HAPPINESS look like for  you?

One thing's for're MORE than your intelligence and skill.

The burnout narrative is not serving you.
You are not a victim.
You ar
e the solution.

With coaching you will... 

Experience less job-related discontent, irritation, frustration, exhaustion, and depletion

Discover who you really are, what you value, and what you want out of life.

Improve your relationship with yourself, your family, friends, coworkers, & patients

Handle imposter syndrome and micro-aggressions like a BOSS

Be able to deliver care to all patients, even the "difficult" ones, without adding any of your own drama to the experience

Stressed out surgeon
Image of Mel Thacker

Get to Know Me

My name is Mel. I'm a surgeon who made the mistake of conflating my self worth with my abilities. There was a time when productivity and income generation were my priorities. And it just caused me suffering. Then I discovered what really mattered to me, and my whole world changed.  As if I was realizing truths I'd always known and simply forgotten.


Learning how to manage my own brain, identify and feel emotions without resistance, align my essential self with my social self, and deliberately create the results I want in life are the most empowering skills I have ever learned. I want to share them with you.

1:1 Coaching

Every person on the planet, especially surgeons, needs a coach. Why? Because your brain is designed for survival. It is dictating thousands of thoughts to you, many of them unconscious, negative and connected to old parts of you that no longer serve your goals. With coaching, you learn how to step outside of your thinking brain, drop back into the wisdom of your body, and deliberately choose how you want to think and feel about the circumstances in your world to create results you truly, deeply desire. 1:1 coaching involves private, weekly, remote sessions.

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